Insurgent Artifacts
Scientific Urgency, Remote Sensing, and Conflict Archaeology
Through satellite data, network mapping, and interviews with engineers, archaeologists, and policy practitioners, we study evidentiary standards in the conflict archaeology subfield. We welcome inquiries from researchers interested in related topics including robustness and reliability studies.
For more information about the project: NSF Grant #1754992
UVA IRB Protocol #2017-0580-00
Research Team

Principal Investigator Fiona Rose Greenland is Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Virginia. Her research interests include art/science studies, cultural sociology, and visual analytical methods. She is an Associate Faculty member of the Human and Machine Intelligence Group at UVA. Contact: fargreenland @ virginia (dot) edu

Postdoctoral Research Associate Michelle D. Fabiani is Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of New Haven. She uses spatial and temporal techniques to study trafficking, archaeological looting, and crime patterns. Contact: mfabiani @ newhaven (dot) edu

Undergraduate Research Associate Madeleine Peterson is a fourth-year student at the University of Virginia pursuing a Distinguished Major in Sociology. She researches health care inequities for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals.

Undergraduate Research Associate Grant Tabler graduated from the University of Virginia in May 2020 with a Distinguished Major in Sociology and a secondary degree in Foreign Affairs. He joined the Washington, D.C. office of Booz Allen Hamilton in July 2020.
Past Project Members

Undergraduate Research Associate Anlan Du is a third-year student in the School of Engineering at the University of Virginia, majoring in Computer Science and English. Her research interests include computational linguistics and sociopolitical applications of computer science.

Undergraduate Research Associate Zabihullah Yousuf graduated from the School of Engineering at the University of Virginia in May 2020, with a major in Computer Science. In June 2020 he joined CGI Software Development as a Software Engineer.
Publications and Talks
- Conference talk: “Learning to Live with Black Boxes”, 2020 Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), April 2020 [Cancelled due to Covid-19]
- Conference talk: “Managing Uncertainty Across Fields: Satellite Images and the Problem of Interpretation,” GISTAM Annual Conference, May 2020 [Talk cancelled due to Covid-19]
- Conference talk: “Scientific Urgency, Satellite Vision, and the Rise of Conflict Archaeology,” Technology, Knowledge, and Society Annual Conference, October 2020
- Seminar talk: “Managing Uncertainty in Satellite Data Interpretation,” Human and Machine Intelligence Group, November 2020